Here is a list of useful information for PhD students who study at the University of Bristol
Resource for PGR students
Funds for current PGRs
There are funds available to all postgraduate researchers for different purposes. Read about the ways you can access funds to support research-related activities, personal and professional development, and other events and initiatives.
Whether you are seeking support for research-related activities, your development or events that benefit the wider PGR community, find out here how you can access or apply for funds.
Funding administered by the Bristol Doctoral College
The following funds are open to all postgraduate researchers who meet the criteria and purpose of the fund.
For the organisation of PGR community-building, well-being and social activities in the PGR Hub.
For the organisation of events, workshops and initiatives that deliver transferable skills, training, or resources, which benefit Bristol PGRs or local communities, organisations or governments.
Bristol Collegiate Research Society Conference and Training Scholarships
An annual scholarship for postgraduate research students and early career researchers.
Apply for up to £500 to cover the costs associated with a conference, symposium or training.
Funding from your School or Faculty
If your funding need is research or discipline-related, check with your local research group, school or faculty. While funding varies from school to school, there are funds designated for research-related costs. Check with your supervisor or school administrator about what is available to you, whether you fit the criteria, and how you can apply.
Funding from across the University
Funding for clubs and societies, to help get a specific idea off the ground, or to present your research at a conference.
Funding for non-funded students who require support for research-related travel costs.
Postgraduate researchers are entitled to a small pot of funding for running their own interdisciplinary research workshops within the University community.
Funding from outside the University
You can also search externally for various funding pots via the following search engines:
The GW4 Alliance offers travel bursaries and researcher development funding through their doctoral student training scheme.
An extensive database of funding opportunities and research news items from over 30 countries around the world.
There are a number of research, travel and workshop grants available for researchers at every stage of their degree and/or career.
Travel and accommodation costs for research students (typically in the second or penultimate year of study) to pursue their research at one of the 22 WUN institutions across the globe
Hign Performance Computing
If you need access to GPU etc for Tensorflow and similar, then this is usually better done in volume using the University's HPC facility BlueCrystal.
GW4 offers a range of funding and development opportunities across our four universities, available to both staff and doctoral students to support the research endeavour (including collaborative research networks, expert training opportunities and shared resources e.g. GW4 Treasures and shared equipment).