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An Ergonomic Shared Workspace Analysis Framework for
the Optimal Placement of a Compact Master Control Console

Dandan Zhang; Anzhu Gao; Jindong Liu; Guang-Zhong Yang


Master-Slave control is commonly used for Robot-Assisted  Minimally Invasive Surgery (RAMIS). The configuration, as well as the placement of the master manipulators, can influence the remote control performance. An ergonomic shared workspace analysis framework is proposed in this paper. Combined with the workspace of the master manipulators and the human arms, the human-robot interaction-workspace can be generated. The optimal master robot placement can be determined based on three criteria: 1) interaction workspace volume, 2) interaction workspace quality, and 3) intuitiveness for slave robot control. Experimental verification of the platform is conducted on a  da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK). An in-house compact master manipulator (Hamlyn CRM) is used as the master robot and the da Vinci robot is used as the slave robot.  Comparisons are made between with and without using design optimization to validate the effectiveness of ergonomic shared workspace analysis. Results indicate that the proposed ergonomic shared workspace analysis can improve the performance of teleoperation in terms of task completion time and the number of clutching required during operation.


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Design and Verification of A Portable Master Manipulator
Based on an Effective Workspace Analysis Framework


Master manipulators represent a key component of Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (RAMIS). In this paper, an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to construct an effective workspace analysis framework, which can assist the configuration selection and design evaluation of a portable master manipulator for surgical robot control and training. The proposed framework is designed based on three criteria: 1) compactness, 2) workspace quality, and 3) mapping efficiency. A hardware prototype, called the Hamlyn Compact Robotic Master (Hamlyn CRM), is constructed following the proposed framework. Experimental verification of the platform is conducted on the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) with which a da Vinci robot is controlled as a slave. The proposed Hamlyn CRM is compared with Phantom Omni, a commercial portable master device, with results demonstrating the relative merits of the new platform in terms of task completion time, average control speed and number of clutching.


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